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Subject Verb Agreement MCQ for CBSE Class-9 and Class-10

This magazine _________ twice weekly.

  • is appearing
  • appearing
  • appears
  • appeared
  • Correct Option: C  [ appears ]

    Remark: Subject is "Magazine" a Singular noun, go with singular verb.

___________ many times every winter in

  • It snows
  • It snowed
  • It is snowing
  • It is snow
  • Correct Option: A  [ It snows ]


The ruler and the minister ____________ killed.

  • was
  • has been
  • have been
  • is
  • Correct Option: C  [ have been ]


Most of the labourers _____________ on the strike.

  • is
  • has
  • are
  • have
  • Correct Option: C  [ are ]


The team _______ playing well.

  • have
  • were
  • is
  • are
  • Correct Option: C  [ is ]

    Remark: "team" is a collective noun and should be treated as a singular entity. Therefore, the verb "is" (singular) used.

Not only my parents but also I _______ regretting the change of school.

  • are
  • is
  • am
  • No option is appropriate
  • Correct Option: C  [ am ]

    Remark: in case "Not only...but also" the verb should agree with the subject closest to the verb.

The Prime Minister with all the members of his cabinet __________ arrived.

  • is
  • have
  • has
  • are
  • Correct Option: C  [ has ]


All the planets ________ around the earth.

  • moving
  • moves
  • move
  • has moves
  • Correct Option: C  [ move ]


Each of the students _______ given a task to complete.

  • were
  • was
  • have
  • have been
  • Correct Option: B  [ was ]

    Remark: If a subject is modified by the words "each" or "every" that subject is singular and will take a singular verb.

Either you or I should ___________ the lead.

  • took
  • taking
  • takes
  • take
  • Correct Option: D  [ take ]


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