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Subject Verb Agreement MCQ for CBSE Class-9 and Class-10

Neither of the two stores _________ open.

  • are
  • is
  • has
  • have
  • Correct Option: B  [ is ]

    Remark: Sentence begins with "neither" or "either" without the "or/nor" combination, the verb is singular.

The team _______ playing well.

  • have
  • were
  • is
  • are
  • Correct Option: C  [ is ]

    Remark: "team" is a collective noun and should be treated as a singular entity. Therefore, the verb "is" (singular) used.

Not only my parents but also I _______ regretting the change of school.

  • are
  • is
  • am
  • No option is appropriate
  • Correct Option: C  [ am ]

    Remark: in case "Not only...but also" the verb should agree with the subject closest to the verb.

Neither the books nor the magazine ________ on the shelf.

  • were
  • have
  • have been
  • was
  • Correct Option: D  [ was ]

    Remark: The verb agrees with the closer part of the subject, which is "magazine" in this case. Here "Magazine" is singular subject, so "was" used.

Sir, our list of grievances here ________ a long one.

  • are
  • were
  • is
  • was
  • Correct Option: C  [ is ]

    Remark: "list" is a singular noun, and when referring to a singular entity, the verb should also be singular.

The student, as well as his teacher ________ going on the excursion.

  • have
  • has
  • were
  • was
  • Correct Option: D  [ was ]


The modern student _________ the importance of physical exercise.

  • understood
  • understand
  • have understand
  • understands
  • Correct Option: D  [ understands ]

    Remark: singular subject (i.e student) takes singular verb (i.e understands).
    Note: generally verb ends with "s" is singular.

Every man, woman and child ________ charmed.

  • was
  • were
  • has
  • are
  • Correct Option: A  [ was ]


None of the students ___________ responded.

  • have
  • were
  • is
  • has
  • Correct Option: A  [ have ]


I _______ tennis every Sunday morning.

  • playing
  • play
  • am playing
  • am play
  • Correct Option: B  [ play ]


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