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CBSE Grammar MCQ

The teacher gives many examples to __________ the idea contained in the poem.

  • bring about
  • bring in
  • bring forth
  • bring out
  • Correct Option: D  [ bring out ]

    Remark: "bring out": to come out / release:

His oily tongue has won him promotion.

  • soft speech
  • word power
  • flattery
  • fluency in speech
  • Correct Option: C  [ flattery ]


Dont you think his account of things was MONOTONOUS ?

  • agreeable
  • acceptable
  • indecent
  • varied
  • Correct Option: D  [ varied ]


Bequeath (Find Synonym)

  • Give
  • Disclose
  • Scold
  • Surround
  • Correct Option: A  [ Give ]


Look _______ the word in the dictionary.

  • after
  • for
  • into
  • up
  • Correct Option: D  [ up ]

    Remark: "look up": seek information from, consult, refer.

The two bothers fell out, after their father's last will was brought out by the attorney.

  • quarreled
  • separated
  • attacked each other
  • yielded
  • Correct Option: A  [ quarreled ]

    Remark: "fell out" meaning: differ, quarrel, spar, squabble

She was blind ________ the left eye.

  • to
  • on
  • from
  • in
  • Correct Option: D  [ in ]

    Remark: The preposition "in" is used to indicate the location or condition of being blind in a specific eye.

I have great antipathy __________ those who are hypocrites.

  • in
  • to
  • against
  • for
  • Correct Option: C  [ against ]

    Remark: "antipathy against" is used when referring to a person.

I acquiesced _________ his decision.

  • in
  • to
  • with
  • by
  • Correct Option: A  [ in ]


Jettison (find Antonym)

  • Accept
  • Reward
  • Preserve
  • Consent
  • Correct Option: A  [ Accept ]
