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General Science MCQ

Check the odd term out:

  • Internet
  • Linux
  • Unix
  • Windows
  • Correct Option: A  [ Internet ]


Iodoform is used as an:

  • antipyretic
  • analgesic
  • antiseptic
  • anaesthetic
  • Correct Option: C  [ antiseptic ]


"ELISA" test is employed to diagnose:

  • Polio Virus
  • AIDS antibodies
  • Tuberculosis
  • Cancer
  • Correct Option: B  [ AIDS antibodies ]

    Remark: The assay used most widely to detect or diagnose virus infection, especially infection of blood borne viruses e.g. HBV, HCV, HIV and HTLV, is the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).

The hottest part of the gas flame is known as:

  • luminous zone
  • dark zone
  • blue zone
  • non-luminous zone
  • Correct Option: D  [ non-luminous zone ]


Intestinal bacteria synthesizes which vitamin in the human body?

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin K
  • Correct Option: D  [ Vitamin K ]


Who invented insulin?

  • Jonas E. Salk
  • Alexander Fleming
  • F. Banting
  • Roentgen
  • Correct Option: C  [ F. Banting ]


Brass gets discoloured in air due to constant exposure in presence of:

  • Aluminium sulphide
  • Aluminium phosphide
  • Hydrogen sulphide
  • Hydrogenated wafers
  • Correct Option: C  [ Hydrogen sulphide ]


The most abundant metal in the Earth crust is:

  • zinc
  • copper
  • aluminium
  • iron
  • Correct Option: C  [ aluminium ]


The sex of a child before birth can be determined by:

  • Amnoscopy
  • Amniocentesis
  • Amniograpghy
  • None of these
  • Correct Option: B  [ Amniocentesis ]


The moon takes __________ days to go round the earth once.

  • 28 days
  • 45 days
  • 50 days
  • 65 days
  • Correct Option: A  [ 28 days ]


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