Home History Geography Polity Question CBSE Grammar
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Idioms and Phrases MCQ

The question of abolition of private property is still a moot point.

  • unknown
  • undecided
  • not clear
  • uncertain
  • Correct Option: B  [ undecided ]


Those persons who are ready to sail close to the wind can be successful in life.

  • to take risk
  • to manage the situation
  • to work hard
  • to be regular
  • Correct Option: A  [ to take risk ]


The meeting ended in fiasco.

  • succeeded
  • in confusion
  • in complete failure
  • in acrimonious debate
  • Correct Option: C  [ in complete failure ]


The new economic policy is likely to run into rough weather.

  • make things difficult
  • confuse matters
  • encounter difficulties
  • create problems
  • Correct Option: C  [ encounter difficulties ]
