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Idioms and Phrases MCQ

The number increased by leaps and bounds.

  • very fast
  • very slw
  • in details
  • aimlessly
  • Correct Option: A  [ very fast ]

    Remark: leaps and bounds: Rapidly, or in fast progress.

His investments helped him make a killing in the stock market.

  • lose money quickly
  • plan a murder quickly
  • murder someone quickly
  • make money quickly
  • Correct Option: D  [ make money quickly ]


He faced the music for reaching home late.

  • faced punishment
  • faced entertainment
  • faced reprimand
  • faced pleasure
  • Correct Option: C  [ faced reprimand ]


A good teacher should have the gift of the gab.

  • a good personality
  • a talent for acting
  • a talent for speaking
  • an interest in discipline
  • Correct Option: C  [ a talent for speaking ]


To drink like a fish:

  • To drink little
  • To drink alone
  • To drink in company of others
  • To be a drunkard
  • Correct Option: D  [ To be a drunkard ]


He resigned the post of his own accord.

  • according to his judgement
  • which he liked
  • voluntarily and willing
  • according to his convenience
  • Correct Option: C  [ voluntarily and willing ]


He was out of spirits for a few days after his defeat.

  • gloomy
  • sober
  • lifeless
  • uninvolved
  • Correct Option: A  [ gloomy ]


It is known that he is a man of straw.

  • a generous man
  • a man of no substance
  • a man without means
  • a man of character
  • Correct Option: B  [ a man of no substance ]


To wash ones dirty linen in public

  • to do some ugly work in Public
  • to insult in the presence of others
  • to discuss secret matters in public
  • to discuss private or embarrassing matters in Public, especially when quarreling.
  • Correct Option: D  [ to discuss private or embarrassing matters in Public, especially when quarreling. ]


How did you break the ice in the party?

  • Break free
  • Initiate something
  • Shatter peace
  • Cause harm
  • Correct Option: B  [ Initiate something ]
