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Idioms and Phrases MCQ

Some people now wonder whether we just pay the lip service or genuinely subscribe to democracy.

  • pay oral tribute
  • attach no value
  • remain indifferent
  • show only outward respect
  • Correct Option: D  [ show only outward respect ]


When one is "airing dirty linen in public", the person is:

  • discussing private affairs in public
  • hanging out clothes in the open to dry
  • standing up and fighting
  • complaining
  • Correct Option: A  [ discussing private affairs in public ]

    Remark: "airing dirty linen in public": discussing or arguing about unpleasant or private things in front of other people.

He promised to look into the matter.

  • to peer closely at
  • to take care of
  • to investigate
  • to question
  • Correct Option: C  [ to investigate ]


The detective went abroad in search of culprit but his journey proved to be a wild goose chase.

  • expensive
  • full of difficulties
  • unprofitable adventure
  • ill advised
  • Correct Option: C  [ unprofitable adventure ]


Those persons who are ready to sail close to the wind can be successful in life.

  • to take risk
  • to manage the situation
  • to work hard
  • to be regular
  • Correct Option: A  [ to take risk ]


The man cannot be trusted in the post for he has an itching palm.

  • habit of taking bribe
  • has an infectious disease
  • habit of flattery
  • a quarreling habit
  • Correct Option: A  [ habit of taking bribe ]

    Remark: Itching palm: A desire for money, greed, wanting a bribe.

He faced the music for reaching home late.

  • faced punishment
  • faced entertainment
  • faced reprimand
  • faced pleasure
  • Correct Option: C  [ faced reprimand ]


Replace the underlined portion with an idiom from the list below:
They finally agreed on the business deal.

  • let the cat out of the bag
  • see eye to eye
  • to feel under the weather
  • to cut a corner
  • Correct Option: B  [ see eye to eye ]

    Remark: The phrase "See Eye to Eye" is used when you view something in the same way as others do, or that you agree with someone about something.

To drink like a fish:

  • To drink little
  • To drink alone
  • To drink in company of others
  • To be a drunkard
  • Correct Option: D  [ To be a drunkard ]


He has reached present position in his job through elbow grease.

  • his persistent fighting
  • his good connections
  • flattering his superiors
  • his hard work
  • Correct Option: D  [ his hard work ]
