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Idioms and Phrases MCQ

"Cart off" means:

  • discard
  • disregard
  • dejected
  • None of these.
  • Correct Option: A  [ discard ]

    Remark: "cart off" means to take someone or something away, often forcefully or abruptly.

"Don't try to throw dust into my eyes. You will not succeed."

  • to protect my eyes
  • blind me with dust
  • to mislead or confuse me
  • to blind me with dust
  • Correct Option: C  [ to mislead or confuse me ]

    Remark: throw dust into my eyes: to mislead or deceive someone.

Believe me, I am all at sea.

  • out ofreach
  • very happy
  • puzzled
  • drowning
  • Correct Option: C  [ puzzled ]


He promised to look into the matter.

  • to peer closely at
  • to take care of
  • to investigate
  • to question
  • Correct Option: C  [ to investigate ]


The boy broke the window and took to his heels.

  • The boy ran into the window.
  • The boy broke the window and ran away.
  • The boy broke the window and fell on his heels.
  • The boy broke the window with his heels.
  • Correct Option: B  [ The boy broke the window and ran away. ]


Please be as brief as you can, I have other fish to fry.

  • to cook the food
  • to take rest
  • some important work to attend to
  • to attend the friends
  • Correct Option: C  [ some important work to attend to ]


In the new place he had to earn by the sweat of his brow.

  • Very hard work
  • Frown of his brow
  • Seriously
  • Idly
  • Correct Option: A  [ Very hard work ]


His dealings are all above board.

  • open
  • simple
  • decent
  • friendly
  • Correct Option: A  [ open ]


The police looked all over for him but drew a blank.

  • did not find him
  • put him in prison
  • arrested him
  • took him to court
  • Correct Option: A  [ did not find him ]


When the family in the next house packed off at midnight, I began to smell a rat.

  • to suspect a trick
  • to misunderstand
  • to smell a bad smell
  • to see hidden meaning
  • Correct Option: A  [ to suspect a trick ]
