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Idioms and Phrases MCQ

When one is "airing dirty linen in public", the person is:

  • discussing private affairs in public
  • hanging out clothes in the open to dry
  • standing up and fighting
  • complaining
  • Correct Option: A  [ discussing private affairs in public ]

    Remark: "airing dirty linen in public": discussing or arguing about unpleasant or private things in front of other people.

"Cart off" means:

  • discard
  • disregard
  • dejected
  • None of these.
  • Correct Option: A  [ discard ]

    Remark: "cart off" means to take someone or something away, often forcefully or abruptly.

Fly off the Handle

  • reprimand someone severely
  • lose one's temper suddenly
  • deliver a sermon
  • break down of bike
  • Correct Option: B  [ lose one's temper suddenly ]


His dealings are all above board.

  • open
  • simple
  • decent
  • friendly
  • Correct Option: A  [ open ]


He puts us in a He puts us in a real fix when he did not turn up to pick us up.

  • feel awkward
  • bad mood
  • made us feel bad
  • difficult situation
  • Correct Option: D  [ difficult situation ]


He is in deep water and needs your help.

  • great difficulties
  • under the water
  • a sea
  • pain
  • Correct Option: A  [ great difficulties ]

    Remark: "deep water" meaning: in a difficult or awkward situation.

The company has been handedover to new masten, lock. stock and barrel.

  • financially
  • administratively
  • partially
  • completely
  • Correct Option: D  [ completely ]


It is known that he is a man of straw.

  • a generous man
  • a man of no substance
  • a man without means
  • a man of character
  • Correct Option: B  [ a man of no substance ]


Ram is very calculative and always has an axe to grind.

  • Has no result
  • Works for both sides
  • has a private agenda
  • fails to arouse
  • Correct Option: C  [ has a private agenda ]


Some people now wonder whether we just pay the lip service or genuinely subscribe to democracy.

  • pay oral tribute
  • attach no value
  • remain indifferent
  • show only outward respect
  • Correct Option: D  [ show only outward respect ]
