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MCQ on Constitution of India and Indian Polity

Who is the head of National Resources council

  • President of India
  • P M of India
  • Union Environmental Minister
  • Union Finance Minister
  • Correct Option: B  [ P M of India ]


On whose recommendations was the Constituent Assembly formed?

  • Cripps Mission plan
  • Cabinet Mission plan
  • Government of India Act, 1935
  • Mountbatten
  • Correct Option: B  [ Cabinet Mission plan ]


The theory of basic structure of the Constitution was propounded by Supreme Court of India in which of the following case:

  • Gopalan vs State of Madras
  • Golaknath vs State of Punjab
  • Keshavananda Bharati vs State of Kerala
  • Minenra Mills vs Union of India
  • Correct Option: C  [ Keshavananda Bharati vs State of Kerala ]


Which article of the Constitution of India is related to the Special provision with respect to the State of Nagaland ?

  • Article 371
  • Article 371 A
  • Article 371 B
  • Article 371 C
  • Correct Option: B  [ Article 371 A ]


Who among the following holds office during the pleasure of the President ?

  • Election Commissioner
  • Governor
  • Speaker of Lok Sabha
  • Prime Minister
  • Correct Option: B  [ Governor ]


Chief Election Commissioner of India can be removed from office only by the :

  • President
  • Prime Minister
  • Parliament
  • None of these
  • Correct Option: A  [ President ]


Subjects in the __________ schedule is beyond the scope of Judicial Review.

  • 8th
  • 9th
  • 12th
  • 3rd
  • Correct Option: B  [ 9th ]


Which article of the Constitution of India deals with the Advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court:

  • Article 74
  • Article 142
  • Article 143
  • Article 147
  • Correct Option: C  [ Article 143 ]


Which schedule of the Constitution contains provisions regarding the allocation of seats of the States and Union Territories in the Council of States (Rajya Sabha) ?

  • 4th Schedule
  • 5th Schedule
  • 6th Schedule
  • 7th Schedule
  • Correct Option: A  [ 4th Schedule ]


The new Lokpal Bill gives power to st up Lokayukt to :

  • Prime Minister
  • Lokpal
  • Speaker of Lok Sabha
  • The State
  • Correct Option: D  [ The State ]
