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This Question Bank is consisting of various old questions asked in several TPSC conducted Examination in combination of different category.

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Question : A train crosses a pole in 15 seconds, while it crosses 100 metre long platform in 25 seconds. The length of the train is :

Answer :150 m

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Question : Dibyendu Barua is associated with

Answer : Chess

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Question : Where is the Headquarter of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)?

Answer : Vienna (Capital of Austria). formed: July 29, 1957

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Head: Yukiya Amano

Question : In response to which of the following proposals was the 'Quit India Movement' launched ?

Answer : Cripps Mission Proposal

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Question : The Kasai and Keleghai rivers join to form:

Answer : the Haldi river

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The river Keleghai joins the river Kansai at Tangrakhali in Tamluk subdivision. The combined stream is called Haldi River.

Question : Accolade(Find Antonym)

Answer : Blame

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Question : 'Ghar chukti' tax was collected from the :

Answer : Tribes who practised Jhum cultivation

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Question : He used to involve with the confidential work of the University. (Synonym)

Answer : Secret

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Question : The lady has a PLEASING personality. (Synonym)

Answer : delightful

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Question : Electric appliances have star rating ( upto 5 stars) on them. More the number of stars :

1. longer is the life span of the appliance
2. more stringent is the quality checks
3. Higher is the energy efficiency of the appliance

Which of the above is / are correct ?

Answer : 3 only

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