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MCQ on Indian Geography

Which one of the following places is not located on the bank of river Ganga?

  • Uttarkashi
  • Kanpur
  • Fatehpur
  • Bhagalpur
  • Correct Option: C  [ Fatehpur ]

    Remark: Uttarkashi: Situated on the banks of Bhagirathi River(It is one of the two headstreams of the Ganga River)
    Kanpur: situated on the south bank of river Ganga.
    Bhagalpur: situated on the southern bank of the Ganges river.

    Fatehpur: situated between the rivers Ganga and Yamuna.

Folding of the Himalayas occurred in which era?

  • Palaeozoic
  • Mesozoic
  • Caenozoic
  • Azoic
  • Correct Option: C  [ Caenozoic ]


Kanpur is situated on the bank of the :

  • Yamuna
  • Bagmati
  • Sone
  • Ganga
  • Correct Option: D  [ Ganga ]


Which is the largest delta in India?

  • Sunderban
  • Bitarkania
  • Kaveri delta
  • none of these
  • Correct Option: A  [ Sunderban ]


Which are the West-flowing rivers of India which flow into Arabian Sea?

  • Narmada and Tapti
  • Chambal and Betwa
  • Krishna and Cauvery
  • Damodar and Mahanadi
  • Correct Option: A  [ Narmada and Tapti ]


Asia's largest Tulip Garden is located in which State ?

  • Jammu and Kashmir
  • Assam
  • Sikkim
  • Uttarakhand
  • Correct Option: A  [ Jammu and Kashmir ]


Which region gets first monsoon in summer?

  • Himalayas
  • Western Ghats
  • Eastern Ghats
  • Gangatic Plain
  • Correct Option: B  [ Western Ghats ]


Ankaleshwar is famous for mining of

  • Copper
  • Zinc
  • Petroleum
  • Coal
  • Correct Option: C  [ Petroleum ]


Which among the following is the oldest mountain series in India?

  • Satpura
  • Nilgiris
  • Vindhyas
  • Aravali
  • Correct Option: D  [ Aravali ]

    Remark: Aravali Mountains are situated in north western India. It's one of the oldest fold mountain ranges in the world and extends across the states of Rajasthan, Haryana, and Gujarat.

The hill station of Coonoor is located in which one of the following states?

  • Karnataka
  • Andhra Pradesh
  • Kerala
  • Tamil Nadu
  • Correct Option: D  [ Tamil Nadu ]


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