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MCQ on One Word Substitution

A person who hates women.

  • Philogynist
  • Misogamist
  • Misanthropist
  • Misogynist
  • Correct Option: D  [ Misogynist ]


A drawback usually observed in women is called :

  • Womanly
  • Womanish
  • Female
  • Feminine
  • Correct Option: B  [ Womanish ]


One who scarifies his life for a cause.

  • Pariot
  • Martyr
  • Revolutionary
  • Soldier
  • Correct Option: B  [ Martyr ]


A place where birds are kept. (one word substitution)

  • Attic
  • Nursery
  • Aviary
  • Zoo
  • Correct Option: C  [ Aviary ]


Choose the one word substitute to the following phrase :
"One who speaks for others"

  • Speaker
  • Spokesperson
  • leader
  • Teller
  • Correct Option: B  [ Spokesperson ]


A man who looks on the bright side of things. (one word substitution)

  • Optimist
  • Pessimist
  • Snob
  • Cynic
  • Correct Option: A  [ Optimist ]


A person who talks in sleep is known as:

  • Somniloquist
  • Insomnist
  • Bourgeois
  • ventriloquist
  • Correct Option: A  [ Somniloquist ]


Special trial of the Head of State by Parliament

  • Impingement
  • Infringement
  • Impeachment
  • Impediment
  • Correct Option: C  [ Impeachment ]


The practice of having many wives is:

  • polyandry
  • bigamy
  • polygamy
  • monogamy
  • Correct Option: C  [ polygamy ]

    Remark: Polygamy is the act of marrying multiple spouses, that means having more than one husband or wife at the same time.

One who abandons his religious faith.

  • apostate
  • prostate
  • profane
  • none of these
  • Correct Option: A  [ apostate ]
