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MCQ on Indian Geography

Which one of the following is the largest linguistic group of India ?

  • Sino-Tibetan
  • Indo-Aryan
  • Austric
  • Dravadian
  • Correct Option: B  [ Indo-Aryan ]

    Remark: Indo-Aryan languages occupy the largest geographical area in the sub-continent. It stretches from Pakistan in the west to Bangladesh in the east, from Nepal in the north to Sri Lanka in the south.

Ankleswar, one of the major sources of petroleum in India, is in the State of:

  • Assam
  • Gujarat
  • Maharashtra
  • Odisha
  • Correct Option: B  [ Gujarat ]

    Remark: Ankleshwar is a city in the Bharuch district of Gujarat famous for petrochemical industry.

The moat important commercial forests of India are

  • Tropical evergreen
  • Mangrove
  • Tropical deciduous
  • Coniferous
  • Correct Option: C  [ Tropical deciduous ]


Which is known as India's spice garden ?

  • Kerala
  • Uttarakhand
  • Karnataka
  • None of these
  • Correct Option: A  [ Kerala ]


In which of the following climatic conditions, the problem of salinization in farmland due to irrigation is the most prominent?

  • Dry and cold
  • Dry and hot
  • Wet and hot
  • Dry, hot and windy
  • Correct Option: D  [ Dry, hot and windy ]


Consider the following mountain ranges:
1. Ladakh Range
2. Karakoram
3. Greater Himalayas
4. Zanskar Rang
What is the correct sequence of these from south to north?

  • 3, 4, 1, 2
  • 3, 1, 4, 2
  • 4, 2, 3, 1
  • 4, 3, 2, 1
  • Correct Option: A  [ 3, 4, 1, 2 ]


Which type of forest is appropriate for Sandalwood trees?

  • Evergreen
  • Tundra
  • Desert
  • Tropical Deciduous
  • Correct Option: D  [ Tropical Deciduous ]


In how many zones Indian Railways has been divided ?

  • Fifteen
  • Seventeen
  • Twenty
  • Six
  • Correct Option: B  [ Seventeen ]


In which State is the Guru Shikhar Peak located?

  • Rajasthan
  • Gujarat
  • Madhya Pradesh
  • Maharashtra
  • Correct Option: A  [ Rajasthan ]


Leaves of which of the following plants are not used for the rearing of silkworms?

  • Mulberry
  • Castor
  • Oak
  • Teak
  • Correct Option: B  [ Castor ]


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