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MCQ on Phrasal verbs

The two bothers fell out, after their father's last will was brought out by the attorney.

  • quarreled
  • separated
  • attacked each other
  • yielded
  • Correct Option: A  [ quarreled ]

    Remark: "fell out" meaning: differ, quarrel, spar, squabble

Find appropriate Phrasal verb for "postpone"

  • Hold over
  • Keep off
  • Look on
  • Hold about
  • Correct Option: A  [ Hold over ]

    Remark: "hold over" mean "to postpone" or "to delay.
    e.g:"The decision on the project's approval was held over until the next board meeting."

On account of overwork, he is __________.

  • run down
  • runs down
  • ran out
  • run up
  • Correct Option: A  [ run down ]


He _________ gardening in spite of the rain. (Phrasal verbs)

  • carried out
  • carried down
  • carried on
  • carried over
  • Correct Option: C  [ carried on ]

    Remark: "Carried on" means to continue or persist in a particular activity, tradition, or action.

By his virtuous life, he has made amends for his past actions.

  • repented for
  • compensated for
  • forgotten about
  • none of these
  • Correct Option: B  [ compensated for ]


The girl _________ her mother.

  • takes after
  • call in
  • puts off
  • puts by
  • Correct Option: A  [ takes after ]

    Remark: "takes after": resemble, look like.

Ramesh was called upon to explain guilt.

  • summoned
  • invited
  • explained
  • one of these
  • Correct Option: A  [ summoned ]

    Remark: "called upon": call on somebody to do something.

The sick man _________ last night.

  • passed away
  • passed by
  • passed down
  • passed for
  • Correct Option: A  [ passed away ]


"Call up" means:

  • recollect
  • anticipate
  • befriend
  • invite
  • Correct Option: D  [ recollect ]

    Remark: "Call up": recall knowledge from memory (remember, retrieve).

She tries very hard to keep up with her rich neighbours.

  • to imitate
  • to keep touch
  • to avoid
  • to be on par
  • Correct Option: A  [ to keep touch ]

    Remark: "keep up with": to maintain contact or relations with someone.

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