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MCQ on Phrasal verbs

The girl _________ her mother.

  • takes after
  • call in
  • puts off
  • puts by
  • Correct Option: A  [ takes after ]

    Remark: "takes after": resemble, look like.

He _________ gardening in spite of the rain. (Phrasal verbs)

  • carried out
  • carried down
  • carried on
  • carried over
  • Correct Option: C  [ carried on ]

    Remark: "Carried on" means to continue or persist in a particular activity, tradition, or action.

The detective suddenly ________ a useful clue.

  • gave in
  • came across
  • fill up
  • fell down
  • Correct Option: B  [ came across ]

    Remark: "Come across" in this sense means to find or encounter something by chance or unexpectedly.

The proposal was REJECTED by the President of the meeting. (Phrasal verbs)

  • turned up
  • turned down
  • called off
  • none of the these
  • Correct Option: B  [ turned down ]

    Remark: "REJECT": decline to accept

After a prolonged suffering he passed away.

  • went away
  • left
  • expired
  • yielded
  • Correct Option: C  [ expired ]

    Remark: "passed away" is a polite and gentle term used to say that someone has died.

She found the perfect title for her new novel.

  • break upon
  • hit upon
  • turned up
  • none of these
  • Correct Option: B  [ hit upon ]

    Remark: "hit upon": to come upon unexpectedly or by chance

He generally _________ at an odd hour.

  • turns over
  • turns on
  • turns up
  • turns off
  • Correct Option: C  [ turns up ]

    Remark: "turns up": to appear

I saw through the trick.

  • understood
  • denied
  • detected
  • decided
  • Correct Option: C  [ detected ]

    Remark: saw through: to understand the truth about someone or something and not allow yourself to be deceived:

I see him once in a blue moon.

  • regularly
  • seldom
  • very often
  • casually
  • Correct Option: B  [ seldom ]

    Remark: "once in a blue moon": not very often

The prisoner _________ from his guards. (Phrasal verbs)

  • broke off
  • broke out
  • broke forth
  • broke away
  • Correct Option: D  [ broke away ]

    Remark: "broke away": escape, run away.

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