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MCQ on Phrasal verbs

We regard her as our mother.

  • bear away
  • look upon
  • to make over
  • to put by
  • Correct Option: B  [ look upon ]

    Remark: "look upon": perceive, regard as, think of.

Oliver was always running down his brother Orlando.

  • snub (some one)
  • speak ill of
  • defeat
  • hurt physically
  • Correct Option: B  [ speak ill of ]

    Remark: Similar meaning: criticize, speak badly off
    Opposite: praise

I see him once in a blue moon.

  • regularly
  • seldom
  • very often
  • casually
  • Correct Option: B  [ seldom ]

    Remark: "once in a blue moon": not very often

Ram agreed to _______ my orders.

  • carry away
  • carry on
  • carry out
  • carry off
  • Correct Option: C  [ carry out ]

    Remark: "carry out ": to perform or complete a job.

One must CONTINUE study to shine in life.

  • carry out
  • carry down
  • carry on
  • none of these
  • Correct Option: C  [ carry on ]

    Remark: "carry on": to continue doing.

He _________ gardening in spite of the rain. (Phrasal verbs)

  • carried out
  • carried down
  • carried on
  • carried over
  • Correct Option: C  [ carried on ]

    Remark: "Carried on" means to continue or persist in a particular activity, tradition, or action.

The secret information was ________ from me.

  • held away
  • held off
  • held back
  • held out
  • Correct Option: C  [ held back ]

    Remark: "held back": to refrain from revealing.

We must decide on a plan of action and _________ it. (Phrasal verbs)

  • stick up
  • stick to
  • stick together
  • stick out
  • Correct Option: B  [ stick to ]

    Remark: "Stick to" means to adhere to or remain loyal to a particular course of action, plan, or belief, without deviating or changing.

The patient will __________ soon.

  • come of
  • come off
  • come down
  • come round
  • Correct Option: D  [ come round ]


When the boy was put into a boarding school, he quickly fell into line without his usual indiscipline behaviors.

  • stood in a line
  • turned straight
  • became orderly
  • none of these
  • Correct Option: C  [ became orderly ]

    Remark: "fell into line": starts to follow the rules, behave according to expected standards of behaviour.

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