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MCQ on Phrasal verbs

The boss simply could not _________ his inefficiency any more.

  • put off
  • put up with
  • put down
  • put across
  • Correct Option: B  [ put up with ]


I am going to sell my furniture.

  • dispose of
  • carry out
  • carry on
  • none of the above
  • Correct Option: A  [ dispose of ]

    Remark: "dispose of": to give away, to get rid of

Rita always sets her alarm so that she can _______ at 8 A.M.

  • think over
  • write down
  • think through
  • wake up
  • Correct Option: D  [ wake up ]

    Remark: "wake up": to stop sleeping.

Always AVOID bad company. (Phrasal verbs)

  • make room of
  • make sure of
  • make a clear sweep of
  • keep clear of
  • Correct Option: D  [ keep clear of ]

    Remark: "To keep clear of": means to avoid or stay away from something or someone.

The two bothers fell out, after their father's last will was brought out by the attorney.

  • quarreled
  • separated
  • attacked each other
  • yielded
  • Correct Option: A  [ quarreled ]

    Remark: "fell out" meaning: differ, quarrel, spar, squabble

The prisoner who escaped from the prison is FREE.(Phrasal verbs)

  • at by
  • at large
  • at length
  • at hand
  • Correct Option: B  [ at large ]

    Remark: "at large": on the run (especially of a criminal or dangerous animal)

My friend _________ at seven this morning.

  • took away
  • got up
  • left up
  • kept up
  • Correct Option: B  [ got up ]


Some interesting matters __________ in our discussion yesterday.

  • came up
  • got up
  • came in
  • came about
  • Correct Option: A  [ came up ]


We have no alternative plan to ________ on.

  • fall back
  • fall out
  • fall for
  • fall off
  • Correct Option: A  [ fall back ]

    Remark: the phrase "to fall back on" means to have an alternative or contingency plan in case the original plan does not work out.

The manager was _________ an explanation of his conduct.

  • called for
  • called off
  • called to
  • called up
  • Correct Option: A  [ called for ]


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